EBA Moldova and Confindustria Moldova signed a Cooperation Agreement

On March 16, 2012, EBA signed a Cooperation Agreement with Confindustria Moldova for intensifying trade relationship between business community of  RM and Italy. The event was attended by  EBA and Confindustria founders.

The Agreement was signed by Silvia Radu, EBA President and Stefano Bernabeo, Confindustria Moldova President.

The agreement sets the necessary framework for bolstering efforts between the Moldovan and Italian business community.


Having registered more than  60 members, companies with Italian equity share in Moldova but also Moldovan companies having trade relations with Italy, Confindustria in partnership with EBA Moldova is committed to support companies from both sides, by finding contacts and ensure exchange of info; to organise trade missions, identify new  training programs for harmonizing national standards to EU Norms, generating mutually beneficial results for the business community of both countries and economic growth in general.

Silvia Radu, EBA President said: "This is another opportunity for Moldovan and Italian business. Italy is very close to us as language, culture and moreover there are already many Italian companies successfully operating in Moldova.


Stefano Bernabeo at his turn invited EBA Moldova to participated in a number of events soon organised by Confindustria in the area of Energy Efficiency and expressed openness and readiness of supporting businesses interested to trade with Italy.