EBA Moldova in cooperation with SES Project and TPP Tiraspol presented new business support opportunities to Private sector in Transnistrian region

On March 11th EBA Moldova in cooperation with SES Project represented by Mrs. Ute Sonnen, Valentina Mutilic and Mr. Vladimir Isaev representing TPP Tiraspol have organized a joint event on presenting the financial and business support opportunities for the private sector from the left bench of the river Dniester.

Mariana Rufa, EBA executive Director presented the EBA services, mainly EBA Export Assist service but also the World Bank and EBRD projects that should be explored in the context of market diversification opportunities. She mainly focused on the need of the companies to upgrade the business management and quality insurance standards involving international certification, labeling, packaging etc. Even though all the upgrades imply considerable costs – there is a number of running projects in Moldova that can support in implementing structural changes within companies as well as offer extensive consultancy support under SES and other projects, an opportunity which is still underexplored.

Mrs. Ute Sonnen made an extensive presentation of the SES Program by presenting the eligibility criteria, participation conditions and the context of the program as well as some success stories of the Project in Moldova but also Transnistrian region. She presented the areas of support as well as some detailed information on the opportunities of participating in international projects and companies benefits in this regard.

The event was attended by 25 companies who addressed questions and expressed interest in finding out more details on the existing programs. A special interest was expressed for EBA Export Assist Service and SES.