EBA Moldova participated at the Moldova Business week 2014, organized by the EU Delegation in Moldova and MIEPO, which took place between 5-12 of June at the Leogrand Convention Center

The aim of "Moldova Business Week" was to promote the export potential and to attract investments in the Republic of Moldova. Moldova Business week included such major events as: The Exporters' Forum, the Diplomatic Economic Club meeting, Vienna Economic Forum and the Conference of European Investors addressing domestic companies, as well as the international investment environment.

The Business Week culminated with the visit of the President of the European Commission, H.E. Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso on June 12th who  participated at the Moldova-EU International Investors Conference, along with the Prime Minister of RM Mr. Iurie Leancă.

In his speech The President of the European Commission mentioned that "Moldova has undertaken considerable efforts in the context of the Association Agreement to be signed on June 27 in Brussels. The Association Agreement itself is not just a political document. By bringing Moldova closer to EU - Moldovan citizens will benefit primarily, visa free regime being just an example of the actions undertaken as so far. Moreover - the document creates the right framework for an economic integration of the country within the EU community market accounting for more than 500 mln consumers".

Mr. Wilhelm Molterer, Vice President of European Investment Bank mentioned that the corporation will orient its support to build a framework for attracting foreign direct investments, moreover that the signing of the Association Agreement will facilitate their growth in number. He also reiterated that an affiliate office will be soon opened in Moldova.

Mr. AndrasSimor, vice-president of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development specified that they will orient their support towards the implementation of DCFTA and in energy efficiency, in order to replace the soviet era technologies.

The EBA Moldova participated in the Forum at the Panel on "Integration with EU - Business Plans and Expectations". Mariana Rufa, executive director of EBA described the EBA support to the private sector in terms of the lobby, advocacy and matchmaking activities the EBA is organizing. She mentioned about the assistance of the Government needed and regulatory procedures facilitation to be undertaken for bolstering export onto the EU market.

The forum was attended by high level representatives of the public, private sectors and diplomatic corps. More than 400 companies participated at the event.