European Business Association was launched in Moldova

Silvia Radu, the President of the  board, mentioned that EBA was founded by 10 one of the biggest investors in Moldova and a few national companies and was formally registered on the 12th of October. The Honorary President of EBA Moldova is Dirk Schuebel, The Head of EU delegation In Moldova. Silvia Radu explained that EBA will direct its activity in the three main areas: by enhancing the business environment through sector committees in such areas as: Tax and Customs, Financial Services, Energy Efficiency, Social, Infrastructure, by streamlining business support  through customer tailored services for local and foreign companies and act as a Resource Centre for businesses. "One of the EBA support service under preparation is a matchmaking visit to the Netherlands, taking place at the end of November 2011. We do hope that Moldovan businesses will discover new opportunities and diversify their exports" said Silvia Radu.

The launch ceremony was attended by Prime-Minister Vlad Filat and Algirdas Semeta, the European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union visiting Moldova, Ambassadors accredited in the RM, representatives of International Organizations in Moldova and other guests.

"EBA could become a platform for dialog and communication especially in the context of the negotiations on the DCFTA with the EU. We have great expectations from this association. Besides the attraction of new investments, we rely on the implementation of good practices and of the European standards. From the economic point of view, Moldova is strongly attached to the European economic area. Moreover, Moldova and the EU also share geographical, historical and cultural similarities. Over 50 per cent of Moldova's foreign trade is carried out with the EU, due to the foreign companies operating in Moldova. Our goal is to further press ahead with the achievements made in this respect," Filat said.

Algirdas Semeta welcomed  the inauguration of the European Business Association, noting that the association would bring benefits both for the European and local economic entities, as it would allow them taking over the best practices and the European standards.

"Both the EU and Moldova are interested in the development of economic ties. This is confirmed by  advancing the negotiations on the Association Agreement between Moldova and the EU and by improving normative framework on cooperation in the customs field," the commissioner said.

Referring to the aspects of customs cooperation, Algirdas Semeta stressed that a better customs service would bring benefits for the Moldovan economy. The EU official said that the foremost priority of the association agreement and of the deep and comprehensive free trade area is the swift adjustment of Moldova's norms to the European standards.

The EU commissioner also said that the European Business Association would serve as a good dialogue platform for addressing top issues, which would lead to improving domestic investment climate and would consolidate Moldovan-European ties.

Semeta also welcomed Prime Minister's participation in the event, noting that it proves the seriousness of the Moldovan side towards the development of the relations with the European Union.