EBA Event: Competition UPgrade

Competition UPgrade, a practical event organized by the European Business Association Moldova, with the support of the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) and EU4Business, in collaboration with the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova and the Competition Council of Romania and the company ACI Partners.

Day 1

The event was launched by Mr. Alexei Ghertescu, the President of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova who presented the draft amendments to the Competition Law, being in an adjustment exercise to the Community Acquis and which has already passed the first reading, the proposals received from business associations were also presented and commented .

Mr. Bogdan Chiritoiu, the President of the Romanian Competition Council, reported Romania's progress starting with the period of pre-accession to the EU as well as the harmonization that followed as a member of Romania in the EU.

Mr. Emil Gutu, Competition Manager at ACI Partners, reported on the old and new challenges for domestic business.

Colleagues from the Romanian Competition Council, Mrs. Irina Popovici, Director of the Cartels Directorate and Mr. Sorin Lungu, Director of the Consumer Goods Directorate, presented the perspective of the Romanian Competition Council regarding vulnerabilities at the level of companies when they interact with each other, directly or indirectly, as well as procedural aspects and recent cases related to leniency in competition law.

Day 2

Ladies Gabriela Corcimari, Head of Legal Department, Competition Council and Carolina Parcalab, Manager, LL. M., ACI Partners, reported on the Importance of an effective compliance policy and examples from European practice.

Mrs. Irina Popovici, Director of the Cartels Directorate, the Romanian Competition Council, presented the Vulnerabilities at the level of companies when participating in public procurement procedures.

Mr. Sorin Lungu, Director of the Consumer Goods Directorate, the Romanian Competition Council spoke about Recognition in competition law; procedural issues and recent cases.

Mr. Cosmin Belacurencu, Deputy Director, State Aid Directorate, Competition Council of Romania presented the Interaction of the CC Romania Plenary with the business environment.

During 2 days, experts from the Competition Council from Romania as well as from the Republic of Moldova shared the best practices in the field of competition to be taken over by the Moldovan business community.