First reunion of the EBA Members

On May 10 European Business Association united a wide range of companies from the right and the left bank of Dniester among which EBA Founders and its members. The goal of the event was to present the EBA 6 months progress since its setting up.

Mr. Dirk Schuebel, the Honorary President of EBA Moldova opened the official part by mentioning the remarkable achievements of EBA over the 6 months and the progress reached so far in trying to support businesses  through different actions such as EBA sector committees, successful business missions, roundtable discussions, etc. "The EBA should find its role in the process of DCFTA negotiations, thus updating the Business community on the last developments so as actions can be taken in due time", said  Schuebel.

Mr. Octavian Calmic, Vice-minister of economy, attending the event appreciated the very important role such an association should be playing in trying to build the platform between the Public and the Private sector. "Under the current process of change and EU integration EBA should be actively involved in trying to support businesses in the context of market diversification, DCFTA process, aligning the legislation to the EU standards, etc".

Mrs. Silvia Radu, President of EBA, President of Gas Natural Fenosa and Mrs. Mariana Rufa, EBA Program Director described the progress of EBA over 6 months time. Among the results achieved would be the 7 companies that have found partners abroad, 6 cooperation agreements signed so far, 5 trade missions completed and more than 20 companies being supported by the EBA Services. Under the Lobby and Advocacy component - the EBA Sector Committee on Tax and Customs has developed proposals for amending the Tax Policy for 2013-2015. These proposals were submitted to the Ministry of Finance and State Tax Service for Review. EBA has also developed a snapshot review of the Doing Business issues faced by the foreign and local businesses in Moldova that was submitted to Ministry of Economy and MIEPO for consideration.

In the pipeline of the upcoming actions EBA is planning to become a member of the EBO World Wide Network, to become more active in its Lobby and Advocacy activities, in this way trying to communicate clearly the DCFTA impact on the private sector and the actions needed to be taken before signing the agreement and provide greater support in finding partners for local and foreign businesses.

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