Moldavian fruits are longed for in Romania

During 9-11th of November EBA Moldova organized an economic mission in Romania, which had the goal to diversify the markets through identifying the commercial partners on the Romanian market for groups of producers created within the World Bank project, Competitive Agriculture in Moldova (MAC-P). The mission was organized by EBA Moldova, and there were 12 Moldavian newly established cooperatives that participated.

During the economic mission there were meetings at Sfantul Gheorghe, Brasov and Bucuresti with international chains of supermarkets, wholesale companies of fruits and vegetables, logistical platforms that possess deposits and necessary resources for assuring the procedures of import and distribution in Romania. The list of eventual partners include: Metro, Carrefour, Selgros, Mega Image, logistics companies, wholesale deposits that have a wide experience in collaborating with the international chains. The delegation also had the occasion to be hosted at the agricultural cluster from Sfantul Gheorghe, Agrofood Covasna in which several cooperatives are part of, cooperatives that have already shared their practical experience of functioning and interacting with members. At the meeting participated Mr. Necolae-Viorel Radocea, deputy prefect of county Covasna, Mr. Kasléder József, mayor of Malna village, the initiator of processing cooperatives, Mr. Manole Silviu, president of Sfantul Gheorghe agrofood cluster, that have presented to the members of the delegation the legislative norms from Romania, rules tailored to the requirements of EU.

 One of the objectives of the visit was to present and describe all the conditions and requirements imposed by the international chains so that horticultural products from RM will be present on their shelves. In this sense, international chains from Romania as well as wholesale companies have expressed openess and interest to collaborate, reiterating the necessity of assuring a durable and credible relationship between the both sides. The representatives of top management within the chains have underlined the necessity to assure viable deadlines and well-organized graphs ensuring in this way the agreed quality and price. Apart from the informative side of the visit, the participants could also obtain valuable contacts for future partnerships.

The economic mission was supported by the MAC-P team, specifically Mrs. Olga Sainciuc. EBA partners  from Romania were Mr. Dan Nutiu, General Director of Davro SRL and Mr. Sergiu Diaconu, managing partner from Civitta company.

EBA Moldova was represented by Mrs. Mariana Rufa, executive director of the association.