Within the Project “The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement Republic of Moldova – European Union. Informing and enhancing economic agents” took place the first round of trainings

During the first week of sessions, based on rules of access and requirements for the exports of agricultural products on the EU market, over 300 exporters from all the regions of Republic of Moldova had the possibility to inform themselves and to address questions regarding the requirements of EU market access.

Entering a new market needs a lot of documentation and information. Due to the fact that Moldavian merchandise is not the most known by the EU consumers, and the producers from RM don't know, which are the requirements and rules of access on the community market, CCI and EBA have requested the help of international experts.

The Belgian lector, Mr. Luc van Looveren, Operational Expert of Relations with EU, appreciated in a positive way the fact that entrepreneurs have the possibility to inform and instruct themselves: "During the current week we have developed similar seminars in Bălți, Edineț, Soroca, Comrat, Cahul etc. Business people have been especially interested in import/export tariffs, tariff quotas for Republic of Moldova, technical requirements. We offered them a list of web resources of EU where this information is published and permanently updated, in order for them to be able to permanently monitor the situation."

Participants at the training gained practical information regarding the packaging and labeling requirements, systems of certification, the system of free trade and conditions of applying the quotas, as well as conditions for external trade outside of quotas etc.

The next round of sessions are forecasted for the months of September-November 2014.

The international consultants, implicated in instructing and preparing the exporters from RM will focus on practical aspects like: negotiation techniques, developing distribution networks, contractual aspects, financial instruments, internal procedures before the export etc.

Participation is free of charge.

Contact telephone: 079 025 999

