In the period of June 20-22 EBA Moldova participated at the Annual Reunion of EBO Worldwide Network in Brussels

The network met with representatives of DG Grow, DG Trade, Euro Chambers, European Parliament and other important institutions and organizations. The goal of the meetings was to share some opportunities for cooperation and present the recent achievements and results of the EBO Network such as the Economic Diplomacy Paper, findings on the EBO Network working groups, projects implemented and achievements etc.

In the context of the priorities and objectives set by DG Grow – ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY, as a mechanism to bolster trade facilitation and SMEs internationalization was one of the priorities to be addressed. In this regard the management team of the EBO Network carried out a survey among all the network members which resulted in an analysis revealing the situation and the key issues to address by countries. The Analysis was highly appreciated by the EU Commission officials who strongly encouraged the Network to go on with development of national position papers/White papers so as to have a business perspective review on national background for the EU to consider.

This network grew from 11 members to 32 in 5 years. The growing network of EU-Chambers/EBOs abroad is promoting European business, industry, trade and investment through their values, best practices in 5 continents and are mainly focused on lobby and advocacy activities for a more enabling environment. The network is a huge value added for the international range of contacts used for expertise sharing and business contacts.

The RM was represented by Ms. Mariana Rufa, EBA Executive Director.