EBA Members met with the Chief Negociator on DCFTA between RM and EU, Mr Luc Pierre Devigne

On 5th of March, 40 member companies have participated at a working dinner with Luc Pierre Devigne, DG of Trade within the EU Commission, chief negotiator on DCFTA between RM and EU.

The EU representative recommended to speed up the process of aligning the EU legislation, in 2015 being planned the transposition of about 30 European directives in the national legislation, in different sectors. Republic of Moldova was suggested to coordinate the legislative background at project levels and expertise to resort European structures.

It was reiterated the necessity of using the imposed quotas, especially at the export of agri-food products from RM which, at the moment, in context of the imposed embargo by Russian Federation, have not been exploited as expected.

However, was distinguished the rise of exports in EU with 9.6% in comparison with 2013, the largest share of 53.3% belonging to the agro-industrial products.

Mr. Luc Devigne underlined the necessity of consolidating the banking-financial sector and insurance in RM in the context of the last events on the currency market as well as the threads that took place on the insurance market in 2014.

It was specified that there is a need for a more active implication from the behalf of representatives from the private sector with the purpose of reporting any gaps concerning the legislation and procedures for facilitating the external trade.

Representatives of EU have secured the availability of offering support in different economic sectors, once the specified indicators in the Agreement will be reached, with the purpose of overcoming the deficiencies on the economic development of the country.