METRO Cash and Carry through EBA Moldova and CCI supports the producers and processors of agri-food products to enter the EU markets

Leon Sanchez, expert of “Metro Cash&Carry”, appreciates the taste and special flavor of apples, plums and grapes cultivated by the farmers from Moldova, though there are certain weak points, in his opinion. His view was mentioned within the 3rd round of trainings regarding trade with the EU market in the context of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, where participated over 100 farmers from different regions, including from the left side of the Nistru river.

“Indeed, the fruits are very tasty, but in order to commercialize these products on the EU market, they need to correspond to certain parameters regarding shape, size, sort, quantity of nitrates” said the expert, quoted by the Press Service of Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

According to the parameters used by “Metro Cash@Carry”, as well as other international commercial networks, considering the exterior aspect and size, the Moldavian apples would be classified in the second category, which is less requested. EU consumers prefer plums of round shape, whereas the Moldavian ones are oval. Table grapes must also have a presentable exterior aspect, a certain size and shape of grapes. I recommend you to get informed regarding the asked sorts on the EU and to plant specifically these sorts of fruit trees and vineyards for table grapes” also mentioned the expert.

Leon Sanchez informed the farmers about community rules related to delivery, transport, packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables.

At the end of the course, producers highlighted the utility and practical orientation of the course, underlining the necessity of participating at these kind of courses.

The tarinings were organized with the assistance of International Financial Corporation and Swedish Government, within the project “Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement Republic of Moldova – European Union. Informing and consolidation of capacities of European Union.”
