On April 29 EBA Moldova in joint cooperation with the Chamber of Trade Switzerland Romania have organized a Business Networking and Matchmaking event in Bucharest

The organizers of the event were the EBA partners in Romania Mattig Management Partners. The event was supported by Members of the Danish Business Association and members of the Ireland Romania Network.

The event started with the presentation of the EBA, its scope and role in Moldova as well as the support that can be provided to foreign investors. Mariana Rufa, EBA Executive director, has mentioned about the importance of the  Association Agreement and DCFTA as its component part which will be signed soon and which will open a wide range of opportunities to Moldova producers.

Mr. Emil Jacota, Minister-Counselor at the Moldovan Embassy in Bucharest, has primarily congratulated the citizens of the RM with the Visa free regime enacted starting with April 28th. He also mentioned about the signing of the DCFTA which will bring many more opportunities and real gains for businesses and the country as a whole. “Romania is the closest and a strategic trade partner for the RM and this event fits very successfully under the political and economic context which will soon apply to Moldova”.

Dr. Costin Lianu, Director of the Department for Export Development, Ministry of Economy of Romania, present at the event, spoke about the comparative advatages of Romania - Moldova bilateral trade especially under the new european vector. He mentioned about the challengies of the Romanian exporters  against the benefits that could be gained. «Romania as well as Moldova should benefit from the opportunities of agro-sector. Bio-certification of agro-products is one of the area to be examined as an investment. There are many more other regional cooperation projects aimed at bolstering business development and economic growth».

The official part was followed by a matchmaking business coktail where more than 30 compnaies could interact and find eventual partners.