On 15th of May, EBA Moldova with the support of Overseas Development Institute (ODI), UK, organized a workshop aimed to discuss the European Report on Development (ERD) 2014

EBA Moldova is participating in research activities for the European Report on Development 2014, developed by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), UK. The report will provide an overview of development finance needs and supply, and the impact other means of implementation can have on the availability and effectiveness of finance. These will aim to provide new country level evidence on the types of constraints, financial and otherwise, that have held countries' back from fuller implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, and provide new evidence on the effectiveness of financial instruments.

The goal of the workshop was to discuss the progress of the report, its main implications, expectations and important issues to be included related to the Moldovan economic performance.

At the workshop participated the representative of EU Delegation in Chișinău, Mr. Whicher Slagter, who highlighted the benefits and contribution of DCFTA implementation to the countries overall performance. Among the participants were representatives of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Moldova, National Bank of Moldova, National Bureau of Statistics and academic staff of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.

The mediators of the meeting were Dr. Debapriya Bhattachariya, Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka, and Dr. Jouko Kinnunen, responsible of economic statistics at Statistics and Research Åland (ÅSUB), Finland.

Dr. Louka Katseli, Senior Economics Expert who also works on the Support to the DCFTA Process in the Republic of Moldova, spoke about the role of financing on different economic levels.