Practical Aspects in regards to the DCFTA – lessons to learn after a year of implementation of the agreement

Representatives of private sector and various organizations had the chance to participate at the conference with the title “Practical Aspects in regards to the DCFTA – lessons to learn after a year of implementation of the agreement”, which took place on 17th of December 2015, at Chisinau.

The conference was organized in the context of the project “Informing the private sector about the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union market” implemented by EBA Moldova with the support offered by US Agency for International Development (USAID) through East – European Foundation and FHI 360.

The goal of the conference was to inform the private sector and other related organizations in regards to the achievements in the context of the implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, as well as to offer a platform of communication between the state institutions that have a significant role in the context of facilitating and promoting the exports on one hand and of the private sector on the other hand. In this regard, more than 60 economic agents and representatives of international organizations had the occasion to address questions in regards to exports, customs procedures, issuing of phytosanitary certificates, inspections made among the economic agents as well as policies undertaken by the Ministry of Economy concerning the increase of trade flows with EU, in the context of implementing the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement.

The conference was organized by the European Business Association in partnership with Ministry of Economy.

At the event participated more than 60 people, representatives of private sector, companies and cooperatives from the agro sector, associations from the agro and other sectors, representatives of diplomatic community, representatives of state institutions and mass media.

Leah Serghei, Agriculture Cooperative “Struguri Chihlimbarii”, Taraclia village, Causeni Rayon.

“This kind of seminars are very important and concrete. They offer the possibility to address obstacles faced by the exporters. The speakers of the event succeeded to answer several questions, to explain several situations that the economic agents have faced at exports, which is useful and beneficial. There is a necessity to organize this kind of seminars in regions as well.”

More news in regards to the conference from 17th of December, and the conference itself, can be visualized here:

The conference is organized within the project implemented by EBA Moldova with the support offered by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through East Europe Foundation and FHI 360. This conference is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the US government, FHI 360 and / or East Europe Foundation.