The European Union Delegation in Chisinau jointly with EU Project Support to the DCFTA Process in the Republic of Moldova and the European Business Association organised a public discussion meeting on 27th of June

On the occasion of signing of the Association Agreement and its component part, the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, The European Union Delegation in Chisinau jointly with EU Project Support to the DCFTA Process in the Republic of Moldova and the European Business Association organised a public discussion meeting on 27th of June.

At the meeting were present Mr. Octavian Calmîc, the Minister of Economy, Mr. Wicher Slagter, Head of the Political and Economic Section of the EU Delegation in Chisinau, Mr. Iulian Groza, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Mr Gheorghe Gaberi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry. The public discussion was headed and moderated by Project Manager at the Delegation of the European Union at Chisinau Mrs Speranta Olaru.

Representatives of different organisations, associations as well as of the mass-media had the possibility to watch online the signing of the Association Agreement and also to address questions regarding different aspects of the agreement as well as implications of accesion framework of RM to EU. Officials gave concrete examples and have evidenced in this way the main benefits of this agreement that economic agents will have, along with producers of agrifood products that will orient their production to the EU market and the improvements that will take place in the context of agreement implementation.