First meeting of the Environment Committee took place within the EBA office

On 19th of February 2015, 6 representatives of the business environment have participated at the first meeting of the Environment Committee, for highlighting the issues that the private sector is facing.

The participating companies were RED Union Fenosa, Coca Cola Imbuteliere Chisinau, EFES Vitanta, Mobias Banca and Solartech Energy. Also at the meeting participated the Deputy Minister of Environment, Mr. Dorin Dusciac.

One of the issues discussed during the meeting was the management of waste and the project proposal elaborated in this regard. „At the moment RM is confronting with mountains of wild wastes, that have a negative impact on the soil and underground wanter through the chemical layer formed, that during 40 days can get to the depth of 200 meters".

The business environment identified issues that concern the lack of a connected system that is assuring on one side the financial sustanability and on the other side - the obligation of collecting, transporting and preparing the waste of different kinds, let it be household waste or constructions and industrial waste. During the meeting was offered to be taken into consideration the operating mode of existent management mechanisms of waste from countries like Romania and Turkey, these being closer to those of RM. Also, the Deputy Minister reiterated the fact that in Western countries the waste represent the raw material for producing renewables or biogaz.

It was highlighted the importance of adopting the law of renewables through the entire sector of protection of environment and for future possible investments. Also was offered the creation of an association for environment issues, which will have the responsibility of creating and managing an ECO fund, oriented to reduce the harmful effects of waste.

Because 80% of wells on the RM territory are polluted, was offered the instalation of filtering equipment of water in each household, which are available at an acceptable price.

Mrs. Mariana Rufa, executive director of EBA Moldova has proposed to elaborate a common letter in which will be written the issues that are confronted by the private sector regarding polution of environment, and proposed to organise a working visit of companies from RM to other countries, for consolidating the private sector in regards to the collecting system, storage and processing system of waste from other countries.