Workshop on Compliance and fraud risk management for the banking sector

Chisinau, 25th of February. European Business Association (EBA) has organised a seminar oriented to representatives of banking sector, microfinance sector, financial managers and accountants.

The necessity of organising this kind of event comes from the need to train members of EBA in the domain of fraud and compliance, since this domain is unexplored in Republic of Moldova, and experts are very few.

Alin Becheanu, President of Association for Preventing and Eliminating Fraud (Asociația pentru Prevenirea și Combaterea Fraudelor APCF), declared that “Preventing fraud and compliance can become significant risks for each organisation when are not dealt with in a professional maner. In Romania for instance, we can already declare that the implementation of this mechanism reveals advantages. Even if state structures from Romania haven’t come with a message in this regard, industries from Romania have acknowledged the absence of this kind of system and embraced it, not only in the banking sector.”

Andrei Burciu, Chief of banking supervision department of National Bank of Moldova, present at the event, mentioned that: “In 2015 there was initiated a program that has the goal to consolidate the banking surveillance through implementing the Bazel 2 and Bazel directives. In the same time, at the present moment the National Bank is conducting an extensive analyse of the banking sector for identifying its necessities and for implementing with more efficiency the fraud risk management system.”

“The implementation of fraud risk management system will allow direct access to funding at a global level, which instantly will allow companies from Moldova to benefit from loans with the lowered interest rate. The implementation of the fraud risk management system means credibility” declared Mariana Rufa, Executive director of European Business Association.

The workshop was organized by the European Business Association in partnership with Fremen Training & Consulting Romania, with the support of the Association for Preventing and Combating Fraud, Romania.

The Association for Preventing and Combating Fraud is a non-profit organization founded in 2014. Founding members of the association mostly belong to sectors as Finance – Banking sector, Consultancy, Audit, Energy and Insurance.