Practical workshop with the participation of the Vice-minister of Agriculture, organized for agro-cooperatives within the MAC-P Project

Around 20 representatives of the agro-cooperatives took part at the workshop which had a practical insight on Financial Instruments available for exports and Preparations for an international exhibition. The representatives from Mobias Banca presented the major risks in international trade related to financial instruments and their use and how payment instruments can help in decreasing this risk. Mr. Henrik Kuffner, International CIM Consultant, Expert in International Marketing offered a list of important exhibitions and a package of concrete recommendations on how to participate in these events. The international explained how the preparation should be done and listed all the necessary steps to be covered before the exhibition as well as how the presentation over the exhibition should take place. A special focus was made on the follow-up activities needed to be accomplished after the exhibitions.

As result of the seminar, the cooperatives presented interest to take part as visitors at one of this international exhibitions.

Participants had the opportunity to raise several issues they face and discuss them with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Mr. Iurie Ușurelu. This opportunity turned out to be beneficial for agriculturers as the Minister came with suggestions of current support offered by the Ministry towards this direction.