European Business Association celebrated one year of activity.

On 18 January 2013 at the National Art Museum of Moldova, the European Business Association (EBA Moldova) celebrated a year of activity. In attendance at the event were the Prime Minister Mr. Vlad Filat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Mr Valeriu Lazar, Head of EU Delegation in Chisinau and EBA Honorary President Dirk Schuebel, senior officials, ambassadors, businessmen, partners and friends of EBA Moldova.

The purpose of the event was to present the results achieved during a year of activity and development, as well as to facilitate the network between the partners and the members of the of association.

In his speech the Prime Minister, Mr. Vlad Filat, praised EBA for supporting business activities in Moldova and for its collaboration with the Government during the year. Mr. Filat emphasized the need for business involvement in social projects in the country.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Mr. Valeriu Lazar, spoke about the importance of the active involvement of business in implementing reforms and legislative changes aimed to improve the business and investment climate in the country. He encouraged collaboration with state institutions such as MIEPO (Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organisation) to achieve greater impact in strengthening the legislative base in this field.

The Head of EU Delegation in Chisinau, Mr. Dirk Schuebel, said that in the context of dynamic advancement of relations between Moldova and the EU, the role of EBA Moldova is becoming increasingly important.

First of all the association will be involved in adapting the national legislation with the EU requirements. Also, EBA will support Moldova in implementing business DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement) involving companies from both sides of the Nistru river. With services focused on finding partners, EBA will help increase exports of goods and services from Moldova to EU markets and in this way attract new investors to the country.

Silvia Radu, the President of Gas Natural Fenosa, thanked all the EBA partners, referring to some of the outstanding results achieved during 2012.

Within only a year of activity, EBA Moldova imposed itself through dynamism in several key areas. One of them is finding partners both on national and international levels, which assisted 20 Moldovan companies in finding trading partners in domestic and foreign markets. Over 40 companies received business support in areas such as marketing, sales promotion on the EU market, support in finding partners, participation in trade missions abroad, etc. Currently the association is involved in identifying partnerships for several international companies in the Moldovan market.

Another direction of EBA's activity is lobby and advocacy. EBA is actively involved in the harmonization of national legislation with EU requirements and the improvement of the investment climate in the country. In the course of a year, the Committee on Taxation and Customs within EBA has produced several analysis of proposed legislative changes, actively participated in the working groups initiated by the Government of Moldova to liquidate the administrative barriers to trade, organized a series of events dedicated to the business in areas such as DCFTA, EU export, Global Compact Principles Promotion, etc..

Also, during 2012, EBA became a member of the international network of specialized associations sponsored by the European Commission, thus developing a wide range of contacts in the business world.

In 2012 EBA was involved in supporting young businessmen and young entrepreneurs to help launch the Youth EBA.

Within the Summer and the Winter Schools, EBA organized practical courses on "Doing Business" for the young entrepreneurs from Moldova, which were conducted by famous businessmen in Moldova.

EBA Moldova was launched in 10 October 2011, by some of the biggest investors in the country:

Gas Natural Fenosa, BCR Chisinau, Metro Cash and Carry, Bemol, Moldcell Economic Cooperation Association of Moldovan-German Agro SZM, Sudzucker Moldova, Pro-digital, Vernon David, Turcan-Cazac Law Firm. EBA Moldova currently has over 30 members of local and international companies operating in their country.