Costs on testing and certifying the agricultural products and agro-food products oriented to exports will be lowered

As a result of the consultations with the business environment that took place during the meeting of the Economic Council from September 2014, Prime-Minister Iurie Leanca requested the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Ministry of Health and National Agency of Food Safety to simplify the procedures and reducing the costs for testing and certifying agricultural products and agro-food products oriented to exports. This solution will facilitate the export of Moldavian products abroad, will reduce costs borne by entrepreneurs, which is an impediment especially for small and medium enterprises.

Therefore, until 15th of November 2014, state institutions mentioned will undertake the following actions:

  • Will analyze costs of testing services and certification of agricultural products and agro-food products applied by specialized laboratories and will also analyze the reevaluation of the justification of their sizes;
  • Will propose measures for reducing the costs at least with 20% bore by the economic agents that use the services of specialized laboratories, subordinated to the up-mentioned institutions;
  • Will identify solutions for raising with at least 30% the terms of validity of the results of laboratory investigation of samples and products with minimum risk for food security and public health;
  • Will optimize the procedure of taking samples, sending them to laboratories, sending the results as well as minimizing the number of visits of economic agents at the laboratories and minimizing the terms of testing and certification of agricultural products and agro-food products oriented to exports.

A similar intervention announced during the meetings of the Economic Council of the Prime-Minister already gave results in terms of testing and certifying the wine products, which resulted in reducing these costs with approximately 30% starting with July 2014 (link to the result can be found here: