YEBA participated at the summer school ,,Leadership and regional developement in South-East Europe”

During 21-25th of May 2015, Youth EBA participated at the summer school „,Leadership and regional development in South-East Europe”, organised by ,,Center for Balkan Strategies” in collaboration with the Faculty Political Science and Communication Faculty, at Cluj-Napoca, Romania. At the summer school participated representatives of 4 countries from South East Europe: Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Moldova.

Among the topics discussed during the theoretical seminars and workshops were: Methods of transition and of consolidation of a democratic society; Institutional structure within the democratic transition; European integration and EU enlargement; Experience of Romania in its european path; Migration.

This project was an excellent oppotunity of communication between the representatives of the 4 Eastern European countries, with a comparable level of economic development and with similar issues. Within the summer school took place and exchange of experiences and knowledge in regards to the democratic path of the participating developing countries.

Starting with the positive experiences and also from the difficulties faced, there have been discussed the potential solutions for suppporting the democratic processes, for boosting the economic development and of collaboration in the region.