Call for International Experts

On September 17, 2015, East Europe Foundation – Moldova (EEF-M) signed a contract with the European Business association of Moldova (EBA Moldova) for the project “Private sector representatives from the RM aware of DCFTA and foreign trade onto the EU market “. The Project is aimed at at boosting the capacity of private sector of the RM to exort onto  the EU Market and present the practical implications of DCFTA implementation

On December 8th  and 10 th 2015, EBA Moldova will organize a 2 course (the same topic  over two days for a different audience, in order to ensure a higher coverage) on International marketing issues for textile and agro sectors (in two different days – two subjects)

In this context, EBA Moldova is recruiting an international expert who has the practical competence and expertise in the area.

The Expert is expected to develop a presentation, followed by a Q&A session, thus delivering practical cases and examples of what the steps in developing a marketing plan, key issues in a merkting strategy, peculiarities for agro and textile sectors, will focus on logo, brand and other marketing instruments related issues. The sessions should be interactive and will last each day up to 7 hours per day. (from 9.30 – 15.30).

The experts must have the following qualities:

  • Situational awareness (sharing information/facilitating the debate on the given subject, the practical capacities and knowledge of the practical implications related marketing strategies, concrete steps in their implementation, costs involved);
  • Practical experience and knowledge of the insights and conditions of the EU Importers, Trends in the news Marketing plans and approaches on the market
  • Practical experience in cooperation with EU Importers in the area of agro-food, textiles and other sectors


  • At least 5 years of proven experience in trainings;
  • Expertise in one of the 5 relevant fields;
  • Knowledge of the Marketing plans;
  • Knowledge of Romanian language

In order to apply please send a CV, and a price offer including fee per day, perdiems, accommodation and travel costs