EBA Moldova presented the achievements on legal initiatives launched as well as pending issues that have been addressed on Economic Council platform

On August 1st EBA Moldova, represented by Mariana Rufa, participated at the meeting with Prime Minister on the platform of the Economic Council. The meeting aimed at presenting the achievements as so far on legal initiatives launched as well as pending issues that have been addressed on Prime Minister Economic Council  platform and not yet promoted.
In this regard, EBA has highly appreciated the prompt involvement of the Prime Minister team and the Secretariat of the PM Economic Council for the approval by the Government of such initiatives as:

- Dual Education related deductibility costs;

-State Order for 2018-2019 aimed at increasing the nr for certain engineering and IT specialties;

- Postponing the deadline of the application for job subsidy (so as to clarify the application of the current Job Subsidy Regulation);

- Increase the deductibility thresholds for meal and transportation related costs etc


EBA has also identify series of pending issues  that need more constructive involvement of the Public Authorities such as: Custom Evaluation, Import of meat, Procedures related to import of fertilizers and seed materials, E-commerce, Approval by the Parliament of the Law on animal origin sub products.

EBA is leading the Working Group Nr 2 on Trade Facilitation under the PM Economic council since 2015