As a part of its advocacy agenda EBA was actively involved in addressing the issue of de-monopolisation namely demonopolisation of import of meat into the RM and de-monopolisation of exports of scrap metals . These two topics were actively discussed over the years in the context of DCFTA implementation agenda between European Union and the Moldovan Government, nevertheless no sustainable solutions were found. Utilization of the quotas for meat import from EU and demonopolization of the metal scrap export are classified as one of the main obstacles to trade with the European Union.
In this situation, the European Business Association (EBA Moldova), whose members are the largest meat processing companies in the country, made several attempts over the years in solving the problem by developing a series of legislative proposals. In the context of close cooperation, EBA Moldova and the Ministry of Economy have developed a legislative initiative that provides for the existence of a quota administration mechanism with a separate quota to be offered exclusively for meat processing companies. The proposed approach will balance the distorted situation in the meat import market.
With respect to the issues of demonolopolisdation of export of scrap metal EBA Moldova developed a series of draft legal amemndments aimed at establishing transparent criteria - the same for all market participants related to export of scrap metal.
A full press release can be vizualized here.