17 noi 2020 EBA Moldova organized the meeting on identification and verification of the customers identities, including remotely, by electronic means
17 noi 2020 EBA Moldova participated at the ordinary meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission of the Regulation of the Entrepreneurial Activity
12 noi 2020 EBA, Victoriabank si ASEM au organizat discutia motivationala cu Bogdan Plesuvescu, Presedintele Victoriabank, in cadrul Proiectului Zoom in Banking 2.0
12 noi 2020 Cea de-a 7-a sesiune in cadrul Academiei de Jurnalism Economic - Digitizarea economiei nationale si dezvoltarea comertului electronic.
11 noi 2020 EBA lansaeza Editia 2.0 al Programului ZOOM IN BANKING implementat in colaborare cu Victoriabank si ASEM
10 noi 2020 EBA Moldova participated at the ordinary meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of the Entrepreneurial Activity
09 noi 2020 #EBA imPRESSed: EBA Moldova supports the implementation of equitable Extended Producer Responsibility in Moldova (EPR)
09 noi 2020 PwC anunță lansarea Studiului salarial și de beneficii PayWell Moldova 2020 - un instrument util în dezvoltarea politicilor competitive de remunerare a angajaților
05 noi 2020 EBA a organizat cea de-a V-a sesiune de coaching pentru IMM-urile regionale pe: Relatiile contractuale cu furnizorii si retelele
04 noi 2020 Cea de-a 6-a sesiune in cadrul Academiei de Jurnalism Economic - Principiul de Responsabilitate Extinsa a Producatorului (REP) si implementarea sa in Republica Moldova
29 oct 2020 EBA a organizat cea de-a IV-a sesiune de coaching pentru IMM-urile regionale pe: Instrumente de Marketing
29 oct 2020 EBA organized the Online meeting in the context of Implementation of the Roadmap for boosting the process of digitization of the national economy and development of e-commerce
28 oct 2020 #EBA imPRESSed - EBA Moldova participated at LIVE discussions with Agora: How the Eastern Partnership helps us create a strong economy
27 oct 2020 EBA Moldova participated at the presentation of the USAID "Moldova Rapid eCommerce Review" Study
27 oct 2020 EBA Moldova participated at the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity Meeting
26 oct 2020 #EBA imPRESSed - despre suportul oferit de catre UE sectorului privat pe dimensiunea de armonizare a cadrului legal precum si prin capacitarea companiilor in perioada de COVID 19
22 oct 2020 Cea de-a 5-a sesiune in cadrul Academiei de Jurnalism Economic - Amendamentele/ Limitarile propuse in Legea Comertului Interior pentru sustinerea producatorului autohton
20 oct 2020 EBA Moldova in cooperation with Agency innovation - Business HUB Tiraspol will provide coaching support to 19SMEs on both sides of the river Dniester
20 oct 2020 EBA met Ministry of Finance top management to discuss on fiscal and customs policy for 2021