9 Dec 2020 #EBA_imPRESSed: EBA presented challenges and eventual risks on the impact of approving a domestic trade law with trade related limitations
8 Dec 2020 EBA participated at the Private sector consultations on the next seven-year EU assistance strategy
8 Dec 2020 EBA participated at the Meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity.
3 Dec 2020 EBA, Victoriabank si ASEM au organizat cel de al patrulea webinar din cadrul proiectului Zoom in banking
27 Nov 2020 EBA Moldova participated at a extraordinary meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of the Entrepreneurial Activity
26 Nov 2020 EBA, Victoriabank si ASEM au organizat cel de al treilea webinar din cadrul proiectului Zoom in banking
25 Nov 2020 Cursul de instruire EBA Moldova: "Analiza impactului (analiza ex ante/ analiza impactului de reglementare)"
25 Nov 2020 EBA Moldova participated at the technical meeting on the interdictions provided in the art. 20 of the Internal Trade Law
24 Nov 2020 EBA Moldova participated at the ordinary meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurila Activity
23 Nov 2020 #EBA imPRESSED: EBA Moldova pledează pentru promovarea și transpunerea bunelor practici și valori europene în RM, prin armonizarea cadrului legal national la Acquis- ul comunitar
19 Nov 2020 EBA, Victoriabank si ASEM au organizat cel de al doilea webinar din cadrul proiectului Zoom in banking
17 Nov 2020 EBA Moldova organized the meeting on identification and verification of the customers identities, including remotely, by electronic means
17 Nov 2020 EBA Moldova participates at the ordinary meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission of the Regulation of the Entrepreneurial Activity
12 Nov 2020 EBA, Victoriabank si ASEM au organizat discutia motivationala cu Bogdan Plesuvescu, Presedintele Victoriabank, in cadrul Proiectului Zoom in Banking 2.0
12 Nov 2020 Cea de-a 7-a sesiune in cadrul Academiei de Jurnalism Economic - Digitizarea economiei nationale si dezvoltarea comertului electronic.
11 Nov 2020 EBA lansaeza Editia 2.0 al Programului ZOOM IN BANKING implementat in colaborare cu BT Victoriabank si ASEM