Driver for change
EBA Annual Review 2023
Driver for change
EBA Annual Review 2023
Our mission
The EBA is one of the main business impact organisation for Moldovan and foreign entities aimed at:
  • Facilitating domestic and foreign trade;
  • Improving business climate through different communication platforms;
  • Bolstering foreign investments;
  • Promoting business activities between EU and the RM.
Our vision
The EBA Vision is to enable & drive the full establishment of European business practices and values in Moldova, wishing to promote and contribute to the harmonization of economy of Moldova and the EU.
  • Jānis Mažeiks
    EBA Honorary President
    Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova
EBA Board
  • Jose Luis Gomez Pascual
    EBA Board President
    Premier Energy
  • Roman Ivanov
    EBA Board Vice President
    Vernon David Law Firm
  • Mathias von Tucher
    Danube Logistics
  • Alexandru Țurcan
    Țurcan Cazac Law Firm
  • Dona Gabriela Rapciuga
    Kaufland Moldova
  • Constantin Barbaros
    Metro Cash & Carry Moldova
  • Doina Bârsan
    PwC Moldova & România
  • Carolina Bugaian
  • Giorgi Shagidze
  • Oleg Arseni
    Südzucker Moldova
  • Vasile Donica
EBA Team
  • Mariana Rufa
    Executive Director
    Ensures the full executive and administrative authorities for EBA, developing the EBA strategy, work plans and budgets, managing recruitment of member corporations, facilitating partnerships, projects and co – operations for the benefit of EBA, and handling contact to EBA Sector Committees. Supports the team in the policy and advocacy process, services, project management and press & media work.
  • Ion Cebanu
    Executive Assistant & Events Manager
    Provides administrative support and maintains protocolar correspondence. Takes care of the projects implementation and reporting. Ensures the smooth-running and organization of EBA events, trainings and seminars. Maintains and updates communication vehicles such as website, newsletter, press releases, social media and others.
  • Sandra Dolghii
    Tax Policy Manager
    Monitors the Tax & Customs Policy issues and supports the activities of the EBA Tax & Customs Committee. Represents EBA at meetings and working groups in relevant public private platforms and organizations. Builds up and keeps an active network with relevant stakeholders for policy and advocacy work. Drafting position papers and advisory notes.
  • Inga Stașcov
    Chief Accountant
    Is heading the Finance and Administration department of EBA. Drafts and supervise the EBA budget. Ensures Payroll and HR Administration. Provides monthly financial reports and monitors the cash flow. Assures accurate reporting according to the EBA policies.
  • Eugen Cozmulici
    Policy & Advocacy Manager
    Develops and organizes the advocacy work for EBA, drafting advisory notes, representing EBA at meetings and working groups in relevant public private platforms and organizations. Assists the Executive Director in her efforts towards policy issues, building up and keeping an active network with relevant stakeholders for policy and advocacy work. Supports project management and leads EBA Sector Committees meetings.
EBA members
Member companies
New members in 2023
All the EBA members are available on our website.
View all members
EBA social corporate responsibility projects
EBA Moldova – CCF Moldova
charity campaign „Daruiește căldură"

Support provided: Acquisition of woodfire and necessary items for families with children, including families with children with limited capacities.

Results: Thanks to the generous support from Members and other companies, 17 children from 5 families warmed up in their own homes with their loved ones during the cold period of the year.

EBA for EU Integration
In 2023 EBA organised a series of events in Chisinau and Brussels for the business community by inviting key EU Officials from the EU Parliament and EU Commission to raise awareness on the EU MOLDOVA Integration process, negotiation agenda, impact for business and country economic development overall. Over these events, businesses could share their current concerns, provide concrete proposals and discuss the legal transposition process in more details.
On the occasion of the official visit to the RM of Delegation of Members of International Trade Committee (INTA) of the European Parliament, led by Mr. Bernd Lange, Chair of INTA
On the occasion of the official visit to the RM of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Special Envoy for the Eastern Partnership, Dirk Schübel, and his homologues in EU Member States
Event organized with the distinguished participation of Mr. Dorin Recean, Prime-minister of RM, and Mr. Luc Pierre Devigne, Deputy Managing Director, European External Action Service (EEAS)
12 meetings with officials from EU Commission and EU Parliament
With the distinguished participation of Mr. Siegfried Mureșan, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee
EBA exclusive interview with HE Mr. Dirk Schuebel
European External Action Service (EEAS) Special Envoy for the Eastern Partnership, on the occasion of a special visit to the Republic of Moldova
EBA is a member of European Business Organization World Wide Network operating under DG GROWTH, EU Commission
Each year the network gets together in Brussels to discuss with key EU Officials EU Neibourhood policies, trade agreements implementation in third countries and share the EBO policy agenda.

On a yearly basis EBA is organising a series of practical events aimed at:

  • sharing best regional and international practices and expertise on specific topics from EBA Policy Agenda in order to assist the EBA Members and public officials in legal transposition and implementation process;
  • to promote EBA Members that have expertise in certain areas to share their knowledge and best practices with EBA Community.
8 speakers
Organized by the National Association of ICT Companies within the ABA Rule of Law Initiative Project "Personal data protection - rights and obligations in the Republic of Moldova" in partnership with the European Business Association (EBA Moldova)

Business Environment
Key Business Environment indicators
Policy Documents
Issues/ Areas approached
Total nr. of meetings
Achievements/ Progress on Policy Agenda
Public Private Dialogue
National Institutions

  • EU Integration Commission by the President of RM
  • Economic Council to the Prime Minister
  • Customs Service Advisory Committee
  • Tax Inspectorate Advisory Committee
  • State Commission on regulation of the entrepreneurial activity
  • Ministry of Finance Technical Working Groups
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development
  • Ministry of Finance Advisory Council on Taxes and Duties
  • National Council of State Control Disputes
  • Ministry of Environment
  • Ministry of Labour
  • Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization
  • National Agency for Food Safety
  • Office for prevention and fight against money laundering
  • Competition Council
International Institutions

  • European Business Organization Worldwide Network
  • European Commission (DG Trade, DG Near, DG Energy)
  • European Parliament
  • OECD
  • IMF
  • EBRD
  • World Bank
  • IFC
  • German Economic Team
  • GIZ
  • EIB
  • UNDP
  • IFC
  • Energy Community Secretariat
  • Venice Commission

EBA collaboration with the Economic Council to the Prime Minister
The Economic Council to the Prime Minister is one of the main Public – Private Dialogue Platform where EBA is the chair of Trade Facilitation Committee. During the 2023, EBA has managed to address key issues faced by business environment through participation at the working groups and technical meetings organized within the Council.

Areas covered under the Economic Council to the PM:
  • Development of legal amendments to GDPR Legal Framework by transposing the EU Aquis
  • Development of legal amendments related to E-KYC
  • Development of legal amendments related to electronic signature and ensure its recognition in the EU
  • Adjusting the Domestic Trade law (Nr. 231) to the EU Aquis
  • Improvement and optimization of Import procedures (Amending the GD no 938/2018)
  • Development of legal amendments related to the Labor legislation
  • Development of legal amendments related to food safety legislation
  • Development of legal amendments related to Sanitary Regulations of tobacco products
  • Improve the implementation framework related to AML
  • Development of legal amendments related to Extended Producer Responsibility and creating a sound Wastes Management Framework
  • Tax Policy Legislation
  • Optimization of customs procedures related to customs valuation
  • Development of legal amendments related to New Customs Code
  • Deregulation packages
  • Working Group 1: Technical supervision, constructions
  • Working Group 2: Market surveillance and consumer protection
  • Working Group 3: Fiscal, customs
  • Working Group 4: Environmental protection
  • Working Group 5: Public Health
  • Working Group 6: Occupational safety and security
  • Working Group 7: Agriculture and Food
  • Working Group 8: Transport (road, naval, aeronautical)

EBA publications
An overview and an assessment of implementation of reforms from the prospective of the European business representatives (investors) based on provisions of the EURepublic of Moldova Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (AA/DCFTA)

EBA Sector Committees
EBA Moldova provides a platform to discuss with its Members all legal and policy initiatives aiming to improve the Moldovan legislation through its Sector Committees.
EBA Coordinators
  • Eugen Cozmulici
    Policy & Advocacy Manager
  • Sandra Dolghii
    Tax Policy Manager
Tax & Customs Committee

Issues approached:
  • Tax policy 2024
  • Extending tax neutrality
  • The increase of the deductible limit for transportation of the employees
  • Amendment of the regulations on deductions and delegations
  • Clarification of the tax regime for economic agents resident in free economic zones
  • Amendment of the Regulation on the performance of control by the State Tax Service
  • Adjusting the meal voucher legislation to the current regulatory framework
  • Approval of a fair schedule for excise stamps/consumer stamps for cigarettes, and other tobacco and related products
  • Revision of the procedure for issuing new excise stamps
  • Amendment of the Law on Advertising No 62/2022
  • Modification of state control
  • Modificarea procedurii prețurilor de transfer
  • Diana Ilicciev
    Head of Accounting Department
    Committe Chairwoman, Chief Accountant
  • Constantin Agafița
    Comitee Co-Chair, Audit Manager
    Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners
Green & Sustainable Economy Committee

Issues approached:
  • Law 209/2016 regarding the waste management
  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
  • GD 938 Regulation regarding the mode of crossing state border of goods subject to ANSA control
  • Illegal logging, pallet and unfair competition

Alexandru Gîncu
Committe Chairman, Public Affairs & Sustainability Manager
Coca Cola HBC Moldova
Human Capital Committee

Issues approached:
  • Deficiencies faced by the business community in this sector
  • Creating conditions to stimulate the labour market
  • Modification of the length of break in work between shifts
  • Adjustments concerning annual leave
  • Changes to dual education
  • Modification of the instruments for applying disciplinary sanctions
  • Addition to the Labour Code of a new ground for termination of employment contract

Eduard Gurin
Committe Chairman, Associate
Vernon David Law Firm
Regulatory Framework Committee

Issues approached:
  • GDPR related laws improvement
  • Competition Law
  • E-commerce legal amendments
  • Unfair business practices under the draft Law 231 on Internal Trade
  • Nomenclature of Goods
  • Phytosanitary requirements for wooden packaging
  • List of socially important products
  • Track and Trace system (tobacco)
  • AML Law 308
  • The set of Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) draft laws
  • Vladimir Palamarciuc
    Committe Chairman, Lawyer, Partner
    Turcan Cazac Law Firm
  • Sergiu Bozianu
    Committee Co-Chair, Director
    Data Protection Law Firm
Energy & Infrastructure Committee

Issues approached:
  • Law 107/2016 on electricity
  • Law 10/2016 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
  • Government Decision no. 401/2021 regarding the approval of capacity limits, maximum quotas and capacity categories in the field of electricity from renewable sources valid until December 31, 2025
  • Government Decision no. 690/2018 for the approval of the Regulation on the tenders launching for offering the eligible producer status
  • Tatiana Gotișan
    Committee Chairwoman, Director Regulations, Tariffs and Purchases of Energy
    Premier Energy
  • Mathias von Tucher
    Committee Chairman, General Director
    Danube Logistics
Financial & Capital Markets Committee

Issues approached:
  • Communication digitization of business with bailiffs
  • Liberalization of the payment field / ABM Experts Commission
  • Payments threshold from the merchants Payment services (PSD 2) - Directive (EU) 2015/2366
  • Capital market development
  • Amendment of consumer protection legislation
  • Amendment of the regulatory framework for cash settlements
  • Alignment of Moldovan legislation with EU Directives in the field of prevention and combating money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Revision of reporting procedures in the field of preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Corneliu Popovici
    Committee President, Director of Legal Department
  • Natalia Simașco
    Committee Co-Chair, Head of the compliance control section, Compliance Directorate
All the EBA Members proposals are collected, examined by the EBA Sector Committees and later reflected in a series of Position Papers.

The list of Position Papers elaborated and sent to public institutions by EBA Moldova, can be found here.
Business Support
individual cases addressed
EBA Members Meetings with EU and Moldovan Officials
Meetings with EU and Moldova officials
EU and International Officials
  • HE Janis Mazeiks
    Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova
  • Bernd Lange
    Chair of International Trade Committee (INTA)
  • Dirk Schübel
    European External Action Service (EEAS) Special Envoy for the Eastern Partnership
  • Luc Devigne
    Deputy Managing Director, European External Action Service (EEAS)
  • Inma Rodríguez-Piñero
    Member of European Parliament, S&D Group within INTA
  • Karin Karlsbro
    Member of European Parliament, Renew Europe Group
  • Danilo Oscar Lancini
    Member of European Parliament, Identity and Democracy Political Group
  • Helmut Scholz
    Member of European Parliament, Member and Coordinator of Parliamentary Group The Left
  • Markéta Gregorová
    Member of European Parliament, INTA Standing Rapporteur
  • Diana Jablońska
    Head of Unit, DG NEAR C1
  • Marco Düerkop
    Head of Unit, DG Trade
  • Nicholas Burge
    Policy coordinator for Moldova and Western Balkans at DG Trade
  • Klinger Lisa
    European Commission, DG ECFIN, Moldova Desk
  • Lisicky Milan
    European Commission, Deputy Head of Unit
  • Weinberg Sam
    European Commission, Economic Analyst
  • Emeric Maria
    International Aid/Cooperation Assistant, DG NEAR C1
  • Adam Grodzicki
    Deputy Head of Cooperation Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova
Moldovan Officials
  • Maia Sandu
    President of RM
  • Dorin Recean
    Prime Minister of RM
  • Olga Golban
    (former) State Secretary, Ministry of Finance
  • Vadim Gumene
    (former) State Secretary, Ministry of Economy
  • Corina Ajder
    State Secretary, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
  • Octavian Armașu
    (former) Governor of the National Bank
  • Dumitru Alaiba
    Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitization
  • Alexei Buzu
    Minister of Labor and Social Protection
  • Victor Parlicov
    Minister of Energy
  • Veronica Vragaleva
    (former) Minister of Finance
  • Petru Rotaru
    Minister of Finance
  • Petru Griciuc
    Deputy Director, State Fiscal Service
  • Igor Talmazan
    (former) Director, Customs Service
  • Lidia Ababii
    Deputy Director, Customs Service
  • Ion Guzun
    Member of the Superior Council of Magistracy
  • Alexandru Postica
    Member of the Superior Council of Magistracy
  • Veronica Arpintin
    State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization
Workshops organized in 2023
  • Corina Alexa
    Deputy Head of Fiscal and Customs Policy Directorate, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova;
  • Anna Gisca
    Tax Manager, PwC
  • Anastasia Dereveanchina
    Senior Manager, Lead of Tax&Legal practice, PwC
  • Ina Tataru
    Tax consultant, PwC
  • Eduard Gurin
    Associate, Vernon David Law Firm
  • Tatiana Mihailiuc
    People&Culture Manager, JTI Moldova
  • Diana Neagu
    Partner, Cromwell Ewan Global
  • Sergiu Bozianu

    Director, Data Protection Law Firm
  • Oxana Zănoagă
    Expert in the tax field
  • Aurica Fărâmă
    Head of Departmental Archives Complementary Department, National Archives Agency
  • Alexei Gherțescu
    President, Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova
  • Bogdan M. Chirițoiu
    President, Romanian Competition Council
  • Irina Popovici
    Director, Cartels Department, Romanian Competition Council
  • Sorin Lungu
    Director of the Consumer Goods Department, The Romanian Competition Council
  • Cosmin Belacurencu
    Deputy Director, State Aid Directorate, The Romanian Competition Council
  • Carolina Parcalab
    Manager, LL. M., ACI Partners
  • Tatiana Stavinschi
    Managing Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Nicolae Crețu
    Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Pavel Sârghi
    Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Natalia Volosciuc
    Senior Manager, Head of Business Services, Baker Tilly Moldova
  • Svetlana Gherjavca
    University Lecturer, State University of Moldova.
  • Rodica Boghiu
  • Vladimir Mîță
  • Dorin Balan
  • Stela Barbăneagra
  • Marina Rotaru
  • Domnica Cartera
  • Vasile Ababii
  • Vladimir Munteanu
    First Vice-Governor of the NBM
  • Daniel Staicu
    SPCSB Director
  • Monica Berindean
    Director of the Compliance Department, BT Romania
  • Ilze Znotina
    AML Expert, Latvia
  • Laura Lica Banu
    Deloitte Romania
  • Ana Izabela Bratosin
    Product Owner Daily Banking Lab, BCR Romania
  • Simona Iliescu
    Micro customer supervisor, BCR Romania
  • Eduard Gurin
    Associate, Vernon David Law Firm
  • Monica Movileanu
    Sustainability Leader, PwC Romania
  • Cristina Angheluta
    Sustainability Expert, PwC Romania
  • Ana Maria Iordache
    ESG leader TLP, PwC Romania
  • Catalina Nacev
    Senior Lawyer, Coordonator
  • Elena Panainte
    ManagingPartner, CertifiedAuditor, FCCA, CPA&MBA
  • Alina Stratan
    SeniorAuditManager, ACCA, CAP
  • Vladimir Chiseev
    AssociateAuditManager, ACCAStudent
  • Tatiana Stavinschi
    Managing Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Nicolae Cretu
    Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Pavel Sarghi
    Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Igor Stavinschi
    Head of the Indirect Taxes Department of DGMIT within the SFS
  • Denis Macovschi
    Ddeputy head of the Regulatory and Permissive Environmental Acts Department
  • Tatiana Stavinschi
    Managing Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Nicolae Cretu
    Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Pavel Sarghi
    Partner, Saiph Consulting House
  • Sorin Dolea
    Lawyer and founder of Dolea & Co Lawyers.
  • Ionela Florescu
    Partener GT Moldova și România
  • Valentina Popescu
    Manager GT Moldova
  • Iuliana David
    Manager GT Moldova
EBA General Assemblies and Reception
28 November 2023
EBA products for development
EBA Tax Minute

First product of its kind in RM

Goal: Talk shows elaborated to address current issues in the Financial & Fiscal field, involving top specialists in the domain. The topics derive from the needs identified by EBA Members.

sessions were organized
Transfer Pricing Policy Design and implementation
Pavel Sarghi – Partner, Saiph Consulting House
EBA projects
Total projects implemented in 2023
EBA members funded projects
Regulatory impact analysis program
Activities under the project:
  • Training course on impact analysis (ex ante analysis / regulatory impact analysis) conducted during 31 January – 1 February 2024
  • Over 50 participant

Implementation period:
25.11.2023 – 1.02.2024
Aim of the project:
To strengthen the capacity and knowledge of civil servants whose activity is related to the elaboration of the regulatory impact analysis as well as raising the awareness of the representatives of central public authorities and the private sector on the importance of creating a legal framework applicable to the principles of entrepreneurial activity.

Delivered by:
Mr. Roman LADUS, Expert
    Economic Journalism Academy 3.0
    Project mission: aimed at enhancing the capacities and practical knowledge of journalists covering economic subjects.
    Press visit at the Giurgiulesti International Free Port

    Mathias von Tucher, General Director- Inessa Colev, CFO
    Donor funded projects implemented by EBA Moldova
    Local civil society contributes to inclusive and sustainable economic development in Moldova
    Project implemented with the financial support of the European Union and co-financed by Sweden through the East Europe Foundation
    Objectives of the project:
    • Offer support to regional and local SMEs through Regional Business Support Hubs
    • Provide direct capacity development activities and support to 6 Regional Business Support Hubs
    Implementation period:
    1.02.2021 – 31.05.2024
    Results achieved in 2023 within the project:
    • Position Papers elaborated – 19
    • Technical meetings – 85
    • Public Policies – 16
    • Study visits - 2
    Export Academy (4 mentorship sessions)
    Andrei Crigan - Partner, Gateway&Partners Moldova
    Cornel Coser - CEO & Partner, Gateway&Partners Moldova
    Sabina Hangan Crigan - Partner, Gateway&Partners Moldova

    From Theory to Practice SMEs Development trainings and Workshops
    Deliver high-quality, practical management and business development trainings to the SME sector, under the “From Theory to Practice” initiative. The target audience are junior and senior financial professionals of SMEs.
    Strong Businesses and Communities for Moldova
    Knowledge building activities - conducting up to two practical workshops with the Moldovan investors’ community led by experts with a deep understanding of both the local Moldovan context and international best practices
    Public awareness and media coverage - To ensure the necessary visibility, after finalization of the first training, EBA plans to write an article focussing on explanation of newly adopted concept, but also disclosing the open areas associated with these new tools that will require further legislative developments
    Tax policy and advocacy support - develop a dedicated position paper to provide methodological assistance to the Ministry of Finance in enhancing the tax normative framework, as well as expert guidance in ensuring that existing rules and regulations are clearly developed in a manner which ensures fiscal responsibility, but also that taxpayer rights are protected

    Delivered by:
    • Tatiana Stavinschi, Managing Partner, Saiph Consulting House
    • Nicolae Cretu, Partner, Saiph Consulting House
    • Pavel Sarghi, Partner, Saiph Consulting House
    EBA participation at national and international events
    The event regarding the presentation of the "Handbook on the Legal Approximation as a key element for the successful integration process of the Republic of Moldova in the European Union"
    High-level National Round Table, 7th edition "Green Economy - Made in Moldova"
    ABSL Summit: Moldova – Untapped Nearshoring Destination
    #EBA imPRESSed
    Participation at TV Shows

    Dumitru Ciorici Telegram Talks
    Radio Europa Libera podcast "În esență"
    Jurnal TV, "Ora expertizei"
    Agora, "Hai să ne înțelegem"
    Dumitru Ciorici Telegram Talks
    TVR Moldova "Conexiuni Economice"
    Financial Statements
    Independent Auditor's Report
    Grant Thornton Audit S.R.L. is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (Grant Thornton International). References to "Grant Thornton" are to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms operate and refer to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered independently by member firms, which are not responsible for the services or activities of one another. Grant Thornton International does not provide services to clients.
    We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the European Business Association in Moldova (hereinafter the "Association"), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2023, the statement of income and expenses, the statement of changes in financing sources for the year then ended and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

    In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the National Accounting Standards (hereinafter "NAS"), the Methodical Indications regarding the Accounting Particularities for Non-Commercial Organisations and the accounting policies described in the Notes to the financial statements.

    Basis for opinion
    We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's responsibility for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Association in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the Republic of Moldova, including the law and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

    Material Uncertainty Related to Going Concern
    We draw attention to Notes 1 and 11 to the financial statements, which mention the impact of the consequences of the war between Russia and Ukraine started on February 24, 2022 and the impossibility of estimating at this time the effects on the financial position and the results of the Association for future periods.

    The impossibility of estimating the impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine over the Association's future operating activity indicate that a material uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt on the entity's ability to continue as a going concern. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.

    Other matters
    Our report is intended solely for the information and use of Board of directors of the European Business Association and for the Association's management. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we do not accept and do not assume liability to anyone other than the Association and the Association's Board of director for our audit, for this report, or for our opinion.

    Responsibilities of management for the financial statements
    Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the National Accounting Standards, the Methodical Indications regarding the Accounting Particularities for Non-Commercial Organisations and the accounting policies described in the Notes to the financial statements, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
    In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Association's ability to continue as going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Association or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

    Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Association's financial reporting process.

    Auditor's responsibility for the audit of the financial statements
    The objectives of our audit are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with NAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

    As part of an audit in accordance with NAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the planning and performance of the audit. We also:

    • Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
    • Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Association's internal control.
    • Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.
    • Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of accounting on a going concern basis and determine, based on audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Association's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Association to cease to continue as a going concern.
    • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
    We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

    Grant Thornton Audit S.R.L.
    Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
    5 June 2024
    The balance sheet as at 31 December 2023 and the statement of income and expenses for the year ended 31 December 2023 are an extract from the full set of EBA financial statements prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with National Accounting Standards, Methodical Indications regarding the Accounting Particularities for Non-Commercial Organizations and accounting policies described in the Notes to the financial statements. The full set of financial statements comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2023, the statement of income and expenses and the statements of changes in financing sources for the year ended 31 December 2023, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. The full set of the financial statements were audited by Grant Thornton SRL, independent auditor of the EBA, who issued an unmodified audit opinion on 5 June 2024 for the year ended 31 December 2023.
    EBA is here to support
    Contact us
    European Business Association
    88 Columna str., Chisinau 2012, Republic of Moldova
    Phone: +373 22 907 025, Email:

    The presented photos can only be used for the informative purpose of studying the EBA Annual Review 2023.