1. Ref.: Draft Law on the amendment of the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 154/2003 4.01.2024

2. Ref.: Modification of the state control procedure related to labor protection and security 17.01.2024

3. Ref.: Draft decision "On the approval and implementation of local taxes for the year 2024" 19.01.2024

4. Ref.: Draft Order regarding the Technical Norms for approving the record of goods and the registration of warehouses used in free zones 30.01.2024

5. Ref: The need to include the livestock sector in the call for the AGGRI Grants Program 9.02.2024

6. Ref.: Draft Law on making cash settlements 14.02.2024

7. Ref.: Proposals to amend the Law on advertising no. 62/2022 16.02.2024

8. Ref: Some aspects of the draft Amendment regarding the modification of the regulatory framework in the electronic field of payment and currency services 23.02.2024

9. Ref.: Exclusion of Daily Closing Report for ECCs connected to SIA "Electronic Sales Monitoring 26.02.2024

10. Ref: Law no. 107/2016 regarding electricity 26.02.2024

11. Ref.: The draft law on the regime of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova 7.03.2024

12. Ref: repeated approval to the amendment project of GD no. 690/2018 for the approval of the Regulation on the conduct of tenders for the provision of the status of eligible producer (unique number 1070/MEn/2023) 13.03.2024

13. Ref.: Priority proposals regarding Fiscal and Customs Policy for the year 2025 18.03.2024

14. Ref: repeated notice to the amendment project of GD no. 690/2018 for the approval of the Regulation on the conduct of tenders for the provision of the status of eligible producer (unique number 1070/MEn/2023) 28.03.2024

15. Ref.: Revision of point 34 of the Sanitary Regulation for commercial units that practice food trade activity approved by annex 4 to GD no. 206 28.03.2024

16. Ref.: Some impediments encountered by the business environment in the poultry sector 1.04.2024

17. Ref.: The draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (in the field of state control over entrepreneurial activity) (amending Law no. 131/2012 on state control over entrepreneurial activity) 5.04.2024

18. Ref: GD no. 167 of 06-03-2024 regarding the approval of the List of jurisdictions and autonomous regions that do not implement international transparency standards 10.04.2024

19. Ref: Opinion on the draft Government Decision regarding the approval of the Regulation on the construction/reconstruction of power plants (unique number – 286/MEn/2024) 26.04.2024

20. Ref.: Some aspects related to the Fiscal Regime of economic agents carrying out activities in the field of commercialization of ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste 7.05.2024

21. Ref: draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (regarding the efficiency of industrial parks) no. 122 of 18.04.2024 14.05.2024

22. Ref.: Draft Regulation on the identification and verification of the identity of customers by means of electronic means 15.05.2024

23. Ref: Draft law on the protection of personal data no. 139 h.328 2024-05-08 03.06.2024

24. Ref.: Deficiencies in subsidizing the poultry sector 06.06.2024

25. Ref: the draft order on the approval of the Regulation on the control of the legality of the processing of personal data 10.06.2024

26. Ref: opinion on the tender documentation drafts 11.06.2024

27. Ref: additional notice to the tender documentation drafts 13.06.2024

28. Ref: The draft law to amend Law no. 10/2016 regarding the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources 17.06.2024

29. Ref.: The draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (concerning the budgetary-fiscal and customs policy for the year 2025) 19.06.2024

30. Ref: draft decision on the establishment of the Packaging Storage System 21.06.2024

31. Ref: draft Government decision regarding the amendment of Government Decision no. 91/2019 for the approval of the Regulation on the capitalization of land owned by the state 1.07.2024

32. Ref: the draft law to amend Law no. 1540/1998 regarding payment for environmental pollution 2.07.2024

33. Ref: HG No. 661 of 13-06-2007 regarding the approval of the Technical Regulation "Miere naturală" 4.07.2024

34. Ref.: Proposals to amend the Law on advertising no. 62/2022 11.07.2024

35. Ref.: Regarding some topics regarding the modification of the current normative framework in the field of labor legislation 11.07.2024

36. Ref.: Adjusting the classification criteria of small and medium-sized enterprises, in accordance with the Recommendations of the European Union Commission 2003/361/EC 11.07.2024

37. Ref.: The draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (concerning the budgetary-fiscal and customs policy for the year 2025) 15.07.2024

38. Ref.: Proposals to Improve the "e-Factura" Information System of the SFS 22.07.2024

39. Ref.: Draft Government Decision regarding the amendment of Government Decision no. 10/2012 for the approval of the Regulation regarding the delegation of personnel of entities from the Republic of Moldova 23.07.2024

40. Ref.: The draft of the CNPF decision regarding the modification of the Corporate Governance Code, approved by the Decision of the National Commission of the Financial Market no. 67/10/2015 29.07.2024

41. Ref.: Some aspects of the application of the breakdown of 0.5% of investments in fixed capital according to the Urban Planning and Construction Code 23.08.2024

42. Ref.: Clarifications regarding the customs regime applicable to personal luggage when crossing the border 29.08.2024

43. Ref.: Draft law on the amendment of some normative acts 280 DP 34.7 2024-08-21 (Draft lawamending some normative acts (tobacco control) 17.09.2024

44. Draft law amending some normative acts (amending Law No 131/2012 on state control and sectoral laws related to state control) 26.09.2024

45. Ref.: The need to reintroduce tax exemption for income earned by individuals from the return of ferrous and non-ferrous metal residues and scrap 10.10.2024

46. Ref: endorsement of the draft law on electricity (unique number 732/MEn/2024) 11.10.2024

47. Ref.: Draft Instruction on how to collect fees and payments by the National Commission for Financial Markets 6.11.2024

48. Ref.: Draft Government Decision on the amendment of some Government Decisions (tax and customs aspects) (unique number 528/MF/2024) 13.11.2024

49. Ref.: Draft law amending some normative acts (facilitating access of local entrepreneurs to foreign capital markets) 15.11.2024

50. Draft Government Decision on the approval of the regional state aid scheme for enterprises in Free Economic Zones of the Republic of Moldova 21.11.2024

51. Ref.: Draft law on amending some normative acts (strengthening the framework of protection of the rights of consumers of financial services) (unique number 978/MF/CNPF/2024) 25.11.2024

52. Ref.: Draft law on the amendment of Law no. 548/1995 on the National Bank of Moldova (aspects on institutional governance) 27.11.2024

53. Ref.: Draft amending the Order of the Minister of Finance no.9/2024 on the approval of the rules for the implementation of transfer pricing 18.12.2024

54. Ref: endorsement of the draft law on public procurement 27.12.2024