1. Ref.: Proposals for amendments to the Law on the amendment of Law no. 166/2017 on meal vouchers and the Regulation on the operation of meal vouchers, approved by Government Decision no. 227/2018 2.01.2025

2. Ref.: Proposed amendments related to the electronic reporting to the National Bank of Moldova 14.01.2025

3. Ref: Draft Order of the Ministry of Finance on the amendment of the Order of the Ministry of Finance on the approval of the form of the Report on the tax for goods which, in the process of use, cause environmental pollution and the Instruction for its completion (POLMED 2025) 24.01.2025

4. Ref: Need to adjust quotas and timetable for the ERA auction 29.01.2025

5. Ref: amending the Land Code no.22/2024 (legislative initiative no.18 of 27.01.2025) 5.02.2025

6. Ref: Draft Decision amending Government Decision no. 212/2018, Government Decision no. 561/2020, Government Decision no. 586/2020, Government Decision no. 610/2022, Government Decision no. 731/2022 and Government Decision no. 93/2023 7.02.2025

7. Joint letter - Ref: Reporting difficulties in insolvency processes 10.02.2025

8. Ref.: Some aspects of the provisions of Provisions no. 4 of 16.01.2025 and no. 5 of 27.01.2025 on the eligibility criteria for compensation of electricity costs for the poultry and pig sector 11.02.2025

9. Ref.: Draft Strategic Program for Agricultural Policy 2025-2030 (PSPA) 12.02.2025

10. Joint Letter - Ref.: Increasing the quotas for renewable energy auctioning in line with the commitments undertaken in the Memorandum between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the European Commission 13.02.2025